[CQ-Contest] IARU Contest Rules

jpescatore at aol.com jpescatore at aol.com
Wed Jul 11 02:39:24 PDT 2012

Not even close: (1) pull down the window shades or you might see sky writing; (2) line the shack walls with egg cartons or you might hear radio news upstairs about solar flares which would provide information about band conditions; (3) put a dab of Vicks VaporRub under each nostril or you might smell increased ozone levels due to intense ionization due to all IARU HQ stations showing up on brief 10m opening.

John K3TN

George said: 

"I am going to single op the IARU contest without any connection to the  
Internet, phone lines, dedicated comms circuits, telegraph lines, satellite  
links, tin cans & strings, undersea cables, etc! 

This is a simple approach that I know will conform to the contest rules  
regardless of how they are written!"

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