[CQ-Contest] Discrimination Against single-Op Assisted

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Tue Jul 17 11:07:47 PDT 2012

For years the ARRL and the CQ 160 Contests had only two classes, Single 
Operator and Multi operator.  These rules goes way back to the start of the 
packet/spot era.  The ARRL deemed that having help made a single operator a 
multi operator.

Don, N4IN discussed this with the ARRL and decided in the late 1970's to 
follow the same rules for the CQ 160 Contest. Don went one step further than 
the ARRL by originating the first 160 SSB Contest in 1981.

At this point there was no assisted class. Hard to discriminate against a 
class that did not exist at the time.

There was no attempt to penalize the Single Operator just make it clear if 
you were not single operator you were multi operator (had help or more than 
one operator).

Dave K4JRB

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