[CQ-Contest] Equipment for ET3AA

Ken Claerbout k4zw at verizon.net
Fri Jul 20 04:53:40 PDT 2012

By now you may have heard about the efforts of Sid, ET3SID and others towards advancement of Amateur Radio in Ethiopia, with a focus on youth. Here are a few links that you might enjoy:

I've been in contact with Sid as it looks like I'll be passing through Addis Ababa soon. He is looking for help with the following equipment. 

MFJ464 CW reader keyer - for CW training

wish to receive the wx satellites pictures which we shall use for training in satellite communications kepler elements and tracking etc. I do not know off hand a suitable receiver for the NOAA 

 also need a diamond hand held antenna and a small VHF UHF transceivers walkie talkies. For satellite use.

Before we purchase any of this, I thought I would see if anyone might have an item or two laying around that they would consider donating. Time is of the essence as I'm scheduled to leave next Saturday (7/28). You can reach me at k4zw at verizon.net

Ken K4ZW

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