[CQ-Contest] IOTA 2012 file

contest at oz0j.dk contest at oz0j.dk
Sat Jul 21 08:08:58 PDT 2012

Hi all

as mentioned in my previous e-mail:

>> Any updated, corrections etc. can be mailed here or to contest at oz0j.dk
>> not
>> later than Wednesday. Then I will make an updated file.

I will also check the links mentioned below. If any have other links to
IOTA activations, please let me know.

The next update of the file will be Thursday evening UTC.

OZ0J, "Joe"

> Hi Joe,
> is it possible to create a file once again just prior to the contest.. a
> lots of stations will be announce next week their activation...
> 73s, Zik DK8ZZ/VE3ZIK/YT3ZZ (one of 9A0D EU-170 Team)
> 2012/7/20 Joergen "Joe" - OZ0J <contest at oz0j.dk>
>> Hi all
>> I have created a text file with the IOTA activations I have been able to
>> find on
>> http://www.dailydx.com/Calendar.htm
>> http://ng3k.com/Misc/iota2012.html
>> http://www.iota-expedition.com/IOTA2012/iota2012.html
>> http://dx-world.net/category/iota-news/
>> http://www.rsgbiota.org/index.php
>> I cannot promise that all mentioned station are in the contest, but they
>> should be active during the IOTA contest weekend.
>> The file is in order of the IOTA reference and can be found at
>> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2651703/iota2012.txt
>> Any updated, corrections etc. can be mailed here or to contest at oz0j.dk
>> not
>> later than Wednesday. Then I will make an updated file.
>> I will Thursday make an XDT file to be used for the IOTA 2012 contest.
>> Details and installation instructions will also follow Thursday evening
>> UTC
>> time.
>> Have a nice contest
>> 73 Joergen "Joe"
>> OZ0J / 5Q2T
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