[CQ-Contest] [Gmc] CQ contest submission deadline getting shorter....

Timo Klimoff timo.klimoff at dnainternet.net
Tue Jul 24 07:20:41 PDT 2012

>As I have heard it, all one of those DXpedition contest entries need do is
to send in an email note IN ADVANCE of the contest advising you will be out
of contact, give your schedule of return and submission and they will give
>you a waiver to match your circumstances.   73, Guy.

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 8:14 PM, Alan Higbie <alan.higbie at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Such a short deadline assumes, for example, (1) that every contest 
>> expedition will have functioning internet access; (2) that every 
>> contestant will be able to stay focused on the contest and not be 
>> drawn back into some hectic work-travel schedule.

But honestly guys,
when you last heard about (contest) DX-pedition without the
internet-connection? (Maybe someone in IOTA Contest ..)

73, Timo OH1NOA, OJ0M

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