[CQ-Contest] CQWW shortened deadline: some stats

George Vlachopoulos sv1rp at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 25 16:17:35 PDT 2012

For me personal after 48 hours of effort, not being in my job on Friday & Saturday and be back on Monday or Tuesday checking that everything went OK with my clients, or trying to resolve the problems because my absent, it isn't in my first thought to send the logs in a week time nor in two weeks. There are also other activities the week after the contest. The survival activities.
I do not agree in shortened the deadline.
That's my opinion. All organizing committees have the watermelon and the knife also, so they cut it the way they want.
Anything we say is for local consumption. That's it.
73 George  SV1RP   


--- On Wed, 7/25/12, kr2q at optimum.net <kr2q at optimum.net> wrote:

From: kr2q at optimum.net <kr2q at optimum.net>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQWW shortened deadline: some stats
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Date: Wednesday, July 25, 2012, 10:37 PM

Deadline was many weeks

~10% of the total logs were submitted IN THE FIRST HOUR after the contest.

~50% of the total logs were submitted IN THE FIRST THREE DAYS after the contest

That's more logs in 3 days than for the total number ("a new all time record") submitted for the
2011 ARRL DX SSB contest.  No offense intended to ARRL, just a data point for comparison.

de Doug KR2Q
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