[CQ-Contest] Log Submission Time

jpescatore at aol.com jpescatore at aol.com
Thu Jul 26 03:09:53 PDT 2012

I bet the CQ contests do *not* see a decrease in submitted logs, but if the ARRL shortened the time similarly I bet the ARRL *would* see a decrease.

My reasonining is that CW prints the call and score in the magazine of *everyone* who entered the contest and submitted a log. For the ARRL contests (other than Field Day) QST prints only the top scores in each category - less than 1% of the total entrants. I think for more casual entrants, seeing your call in the magazine is a major incentive to send in that log.

Oddly enough, QST doesn't show the full results in their *digital* edition either - which seems like a no brainer and a way to aim at the younger types who aren't into reading old fashioned, tree killing print publications anyway.

John K3TN

W8JI says :> My bet is on an increase in non-submitted logs, not that those logs matter 
> all that much. 

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