[CQ-Contest] Do I need to operate assisted to figure out thecalls?

Dale Putnam daleputnam at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 30 09:41:07 PDT 2012

If they don't ID, then they don't need my Q.... works for me... I don't have to waste time on them...AND since I already wasted time on them... I make a note, and when they find me later... I insure that they don't get a Q then either. I don't have to put up with egocentric, non-players that don't hold any regard for the longevity of the hobby. I'd much rather place without stretching the rules or the rudeness of poor operating techniques. And if that means I don't place.. FINE.. I didn't place because I didn't stretch the rules,or play with poor operating techniques. I know... how I operate. AND, everyone knows and remembers the poor ops too!!! Have a great day, 

--...   ...--
Dale - WC7S in Wy

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