[CQ-Contest] Do I need to operate assisted to figure out the calls?

Marijan Miletic, S56A s56a at bit.si
Tue Jul 31 05:56:04 PDT 2012

OH1NOA wrote: Especially on CW my contest career's biggest pileups have been
in IOTA contest


I operate VHF rarely because of poor ops.  Field Day comes next in quality.
IOTA is similar summer social event with much higher dynamics in EU.


I had several CW pile-ups this weekend with a modest TS-480+windom, no
internet setup.  Partial calls, no ID helped the rate.  When S&P, IV3CTS/p
would be rcvd as Greece, Clear_To_Send somehow detected, "who is portable".
YM YT7AW later complained of average 50 QSO/hour rate as our 20 m antenna
was not very good.  But he couldn't believe that I got VY2TT on 80 m SSB and
we even moved to CW.  N1LI was tough on 40 m.  Another YM Hrle, 9A6XX
milenium ago couldn't understand how I got heavy CW pile-up with IC-735 +
windom from nearby island of Saint Nicolas.


DX-ped & CW robots made me humble so I can live with basic radio and wires
in these Olympic days!  SAT TV & internet are more adictive J




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