[CQ-Contest] CW Op needed for WPX CW contest 2012?

Martin Huml OL5Y/OK1FUA huml at mastrant.com
Thu Mar 1 03:41:55 PST 2012


I will be with our project Mastrant in Dayton Hamvention and I would like to take the opportunity and participate in the WPX contest from mainland. Last year I was in KP2 and this year it did not work so I would like join some "serious contesters", or use station of someone, who don't participate in CW contests.

Don't someone looking for operator from Central Europe? In OH, PA, MI, IN or so - not too far from Dayton, hi.

I will appreciate any advice.


Martin Huml

OL5Y / OK1FUA, in the contests: NP2/OL5Y, IM0/OL5Y, IS0N, IH9N, IH9P, IH9U, IH9/OL5Y, IT9/OL5Y

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