[CQ-Contest] ARRL-DX SSB : How were condx ?

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 14:29:04 PST 2012

Hi Yan,

This seems very strange. Here are some QSO's from my log showing stations worked 
on 15 meters from your area:

QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0006 N2IC          59  NM     YB1AR         59  500
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0016 N2IC          59  NM     YB1TJ         59  100
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0023 N2IC          59  NM     HS0ZJU        59  150
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0029 N2IC          59  NM     9V1YC         59  KW
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0037 N2IC          59  NM     YB1UUN        59  100
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0040 N2IC          59  NM     9M6XRO        59  400
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0042 N2IC          59  NM     YC1LA         59  200
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0043 N2IC          59  NM     E2E           59  200
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0045 N2IC          59  NM     E20YLM        59  100
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0119 N2IC          59  NM     E21EIC        59  200
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0157 N2IC          59  NM     E20NKB        59  100
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0205 N2IC          59  NM     YB8EL         59  100
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0215 N2IC          59  NM     YB0COU        59  100
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0216 N2IC          59  NM     YC0QR         59  80
QSO: 21201 PH 2012-03-03 0259 N2IC          59  NM     YB0MWM        59  100
QSO: 21212 PH 2012-03-03 2333 N2IC          59  NM     9M2ZAK        59  50
QSO: 21212 PH 2012-03-03 2335 N2IC          59  NM     YC2FAJ        59  100
QSO: 21218 PH 2012-03-04 0037 N2IC          59  NM     HS0ZIN        59  100
QSO: 21218 PH 2012-03-04 0050 N2IC          59  NM     YB1ALL        59  150
QSO: 21218 PH 2012-03-04 0124 N2IC          59  NM     YB1HK         59  100
QSO: 21218 PH 2012-03-04 0136 N2IC          59  NM     YC1BTJ        59  150
QSO: 21218 PH 2012-03-04 0142 N2IC          59  NM     YB3IZK        59  100
QSO: 21218 PH 2012-03-04 0238 N2IC          59  NM     YB8EL         59  100

Steve, N2IC

On 03/05/2012 12:35 AM, Yannick (XV4Y) wrote:
> Hi,
> Last week I build and installed a hybrid-Moxon for 15m-10m-6m with fixed beam (could be manually turned but not real time).
> I was a happy DXer with my vertical but wanted something more for contests and earning points with europeans and north-american stations.
> On thursday and friday nights I tested my new beam with good results on 15m to Europe and even St-Vincent (same heading SP around 330°).
> I was eager to run in the ARRL DX SSB this week-end but I went through a real deception...
> Ok on saturday perhaps I was beaming short-path meanwhile the long-path should have been dominant. I only had QSO with 5 stations (K3EST, N7DD, W6WP...)
> On sunday I beamed south (long-path) but heard no new NA stations and even if at 1.00z the signals seemed louder, soon after everybody went into the noise...
> I was unable to keep the vertical and the beam together so an objective comparison was hard to make.
> I know this path over the poles is difficult and could be great some days and dead the day after.
> I would like to know what was your experience this week-end to SE-Asia stations.
> By experience I know that YB and even HS have openings I don't have because the polar path is a bit tricky and comparing is not always easy.
> Anyway, I'd like to have more data in order to know if it was just the band condx or my antenna is not good for this path...
> Thanks for your help.
> 73,
> Yan.
> ---
> Yannick DEVOS - XV4Y
> http://xv4y.radioclub.asia/
> http://varc.radioclub.asia/
> http://www.qslwatch.com/
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