[CQ-Contest] Bavarian Contest Club Award Presented to AD1C

Mike mikek4gmh at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 10:03:17 PST 2012

Congratulations Jim.  Well deserved for all the effort and time you
put in keeping us informed of who is where.

  Mike, K4GMH

On 3/7/12, Kostas Stamatis <sv1dpi at otenet.gr> wrote:
> Congratulations to Jim and BBC for the thought. Jim always helps all radio
> amateur community.
> Bob you are lucky you had him with you...
> Kostas sv1dpi
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <w5ov at w5ov.com>
> To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 8:26 PM
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Bavarian Contest Club Award Presented to AD1C
>> At the end of the recent ARRL SSB DX Contest operation at K3LR, the
>> traditional post-contest dinner for the operators was held on Sunday
>> night. At the end of dinner, Chris Nufer DK9TN, on behalf of the German
>> Bavarian Contest Club (BCC) presented a special appreciation award to Jim
>> Reisert, AD1C for his many years of amateur radio dedication.
>> Photo: http://nj-bob.smugmug.com/photos/i-NDPBFRs/0/L/i-NDPBFRs-L.jpg
>> As many of you should be aware, Jim provides constant maintenance of the
>> CTY country list and other multiplier lists for logging programs. He also
>> writes and shares software tools that contesters and DXers use everyday -
>> available on his website.
>> AD1C was totally blown away by this act of kindness from DK9TN and the
>> BCC.
>> I had the distinct honor of operating with Jim this weekend on 40m at
>> K3LR.
>> Please join me in congratulating Jim for this well-deserved award!
>> 73,
>> Bob W5OV
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