[CQ-Contest] Question on that EA PSK63 Contest this weekend

Ricardo Navarrete ricardoea4zk at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 05:08:56 PST 2012

*The real mode is PSK63*
*The rules changed for this year*
*Good Luck in the contest
El 10 de marzo de 2012 03:26, David Thompson <thompson at mindspring.com>escribió:

> I sent the details to a friend in LA who is active in PSK 63 and PSK 31.
> The contest says PSK63 but the valid modes are different.
> Can someone who knows the real rules (EA or URE hams) give me the real
> modes
> that can be used so I can pass them on.
> 73 Dave K4JRB
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EA4ZK Ricardo Navarrete
ricardoea4zk at gmail.com
Tnx es cul , 73 gd DX
*Visita la nueva web de actividades EA*

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