[CQ-Contest] There are only 40 days for CQMM DX CONTEST !

py4was ed-py4was at powerline.com.br
Mon Mar 12 10:01:26 PDT 2012


OM / YL / Group's and Club's !

It is approaching date of CQMM DX CONTEST ( www.cwjf.com.br ).

We have a great movement of stations in Brazil and South America, requesting their special indications, which are considered as valuable multipliers.

Always remember that there are world champions and also by continent, making the contest more interesting and disputed.

In the coming days the results will be released in 2011.

73 , Ed - PY4WAS
President of the CWJF

Join CQMM DX Contest 2012.
Your participation is very important !


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