[CQ-Contest] 2012 Commonwealth - All 3830 Claimed Scores 16Mar2012

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Fri Mar 16 07:10:18 PDT 2012

2012 Commonwealth - All 3830 Claimed Scores 16Mar2012

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Apr 11, 2012
Upload logs at: http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/hfenter.pl
Mail logs to:
77 Bensham Manor Road
Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 7AF
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All Multi-Op HP
GB75CC(@GM3WOJ)   1026    23      9,300 RSGB
VE9ML              528    20      4,880 MCC

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All Multi-Op LP
G3WW(@G4EHT)       170    24      3,040 Chiltern DX Club

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All Open-12 HP
VE1OP              553    11      5,285 MCC
VO1TA              501    12      4,765 ECCCC
VE3KZ              365    12      4,745 CCO
G4ERW              177    12      3,665 
VE3JM              314  4:30      3,125 CCO
VY2SS              293     5      2,435 
5H3EE              214   2.5      1,670 
VA7ST               80   5.5      1,235 Orca DX and Contest 
VE3CX               32              680 CCO
VE6TL               40     3        660 ALBERTA CLIPPERS

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All Open-24 HP
VE3EJ              913    24      9,570 CCO
VK6LW              702    24      6,970 
VE3OI              566    23      6,810 CCO
G6PZ(G4FAL)        307    24      5,925 Christmas Islanders
VE3KI(@VE3RM)      566    16      5,870 CCO
VO1HP              700 15:22      5,760 
VK3TDX             575    11      5,260 VK Contest Club
G0ORH              228    20      4,900 Chiltern DX Club
VE9HF              509    11      4,665 MCC
ZL3IO              310    13      4,610 

VE7CC(@VE7SV)      266    24      4,530 BCDX
VE3RZ              302    18      4,410 CCO
9H1XT              453    14      4,005 
ZL2BR              232    23      3,840 
G3YBY              170    19      3,490 Chiltern DX Club
MM0LID             201    16      3,015 Buchan Contest Group
VE5UF               90            1,645 Saskatchewan Contest

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All Open-24 LP
J88DR(G3TBK)       961    23      8,965 Chiltern DX Club
C4Z(5B4AIZ)        883    23      7,925 Chiltern DX Club

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All Restricted-12 LP
VE3OSZ             123    12      2,235 CCO
ZL3XX(ZL2RV)        17     2        425 
ZL2RV               11     4        275 
VE3XAT             145              145 CCO

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All Restricted-12 QRP
VA3RKM              21              485 CCO

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All Restricted-24 LP
9H3ET(G£LET)     1105    23      9,880 
ZL7/VO1AU          177    24      3,345 
VE1RGB             277    14      3,025 MCC
VK3MI              108    14      1,525 VKCC
VU2CDP              68     8      1,140 VU Contest Group

VE9ML        VE9BK,VE9ML

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