[CQ-Contest] R: RDXC Logs

Matt IZ3EYZ iz3eyz at virgilio.it
Mon Mar 19 15:40:00 PDT 2012

Rdxc robot is very fast to acknowledge logs, unfortunately it is set with
Moscow local time (+4 GMT) instead of real GMT, thus it's showing up many
logs to be sent after the 36 hrs deadline. (which is not true at all)

For example (see below) a log acknowledeged by the robot at 22z 19 March
(Italy +1 GMT), it's showing up to be received at 02z 20 March!!

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Russiand DX Contest [mailto:no-reply at rdxc.org] 
Inviato: lunedì 19 marzo 2012 23.00
Oggetto: Log of XXXXX is submitted

Russian DX Contest 2012

Callsign: XXXXX
Reported QSOs: XXXX
Received at: 20.03.2012 02:00:03 UTC

Log is successfully submitted.

Thank you for participation in RDXC-2012 and for your log!

RDXC Robot

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