[CQ-Contest] WPX SSB Mar 24-25

Randy Thompson K5ZD k5zd at charter.net
Tue Mar 20 04:11:47 PDT 2012

The CQ WPX SSB Contest is just 3 days and 12 hours away. Judging from the
number of questions coming in, there are a lot of people planning to be
active.  We can only hope band conditions cooperate as well as they have the
past two years.


Visit www.cqwpx.com for rules, records, and historical scores.  Set a goal
and have at it.


Quick summary:


Time: 48 hours March 24-25 UTC (single ops limited to 36 hours)

Bands: 160-10m (no WARC bands)

Exchange: Signal report and serial number, e.g. 59 001

Scoring: see rules


There  are 64 entry categories.  The WPX issues more than 1500 paper
certificates each year and everyone who submits a log receives a log
checking report and an online certificate.


Submit Cabrillo log by email to ssb at cqwpx.com or by web upload at


Only have general purpose logger?  Submit your adif format log at
http://www.cqwpx.com/adif/  (don't forget to record the serial numbers in
your log during the contest).


Work >100 QSOs and submit your log.  That's all we ask.


Most of all  - have fun!





Randy Thompson, K5ZD
Director - CQ WPX Contest 

email: k5zd at cqwpx.com
web: www.cqwpx.com
facebook: www.facebook.com/cqwpx 



PS - Please forward this to your local club.  The club competition requires
only 3 entries to be listed in the magazine.  WPX is a great club activity
for getting members on the air!

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