[CQ-Contest] NS SPRINT friday, March 23 - 0230Z

Tom Hutton tomn3zz at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 20 08:32:14 PDT 2012

NS SPRINT -FRIDAY March 23, 2012 UTC, 0230-0300ZThursday, March 22, local time, 7:30PM PDT, ... 10:30PM EDT.   NS will be on 160m, 80m, 40m and 20m.  For this session, lets substitute the two digit year we were first licensed for our name in the exchange. OTHERWISE, REGULAR NCCC SPRINT RULES THIS WEEK - NO DUPES!
Lets move our show to 7060-7070 kHz for this week to avoid the increasingQRM et al. To be consistent, this Thursday lets move the SNS to 7060-7070 kHz as well. This frequency move is an experment for this week and perhaps the next threeweeks. Feedback is appreciated. 

Otherwise, +38 to 45 kHz or ~1815 kHz.   And catch John signing as PJ4/K4BAI this week in NS. 100 WATTS max. , mults count on each band. General rules and further info at: 
Join with Ken, N6RO, report scores, discuss any contesting issue, near 3610/3615 LSB after the practice, at 0300Z (7 PM PST) on the weekly NCCC contest net. 
Many thanks to WA7BNM and N7WA for their posting service.  Bruce suggests using the 
usual web form to report scores to the 3830 reflector.
Tom  N3ZZ                                                                            


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