[CQ-Contest] looking for article

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Mon Mar 26 02:45:12 PDT 2012

It was W5ASP. I used this setup for years. Here ya go:


73, Kirk K4RO 

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 06:02:55PM -0400, dave at egh.com wrote:
>         About 15 years ago, a W5 (or WA5) wrote an article which
>         described a two-radio audio box, based on the Radio Shack
>         "Stereo Audio Selector" box, part no. 42-2110.  This box
>         has 3 push buttons on front and 8 audio plugs on the back.
>         Does anyone have this article hanging around?  I googled quite
>         a few combinations of words that might describe this, but
>         could not find it on the internet.
>         Thanks.
> 	Dave, K1VUT

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