[CQ-Contest] Keyboard for Contesting

Doug Smith dougw9wi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 10:06:18 PDT 2012

Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
> What I'm looking for is recommendations for a wired or wireless USB 
> keyboard that has widely separated keys like an 8-year-old Dell.  Please 
> drop me a note off the reflector, and I'll summarize the responses I get.

One thing I feel compelled to mention whenever the term "wireless keyboard" comes up...

DO NOT use more than one in the same room!

We learned the hard way at work.  These things automatically handshake with the base unit when the PC is powered up.  Thing is, if you have more than 
one in the same room, there is no way to know which PC will handshake with which keyboard!  You could find the 40m op logging QSOs at the 15m position...


Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View, TN  EM66

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