[CQ-Contest] NCCC RTTY SPRINT - Friday, March 30, 0130Z UTC

Tom Hutton tomn3zz at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 27 18:32:58 PDT 2012

Announcing the second session of the NCCC RTTY Sprint.
Friday, March 30 at 0130 UTC
Thursdays  6:30 - 7:00 PDT,  9:30 - 10:00 EDT

Bands: 20, 40 and 80m:
14080 - 14084 KhZ
7080 - 7084 kHz
3580 - 3584 kHz

N6ZFO, who directs the NS Ladder competition, suggested recently that a trial RTTY Sprint might be of similar interest, noting the high participation of NS regulars in the recent RTTY NAS.   If you missedthe first one, please join in. For a description of the contest, see www.ncccsprint.com

Briefly, rules are very similar to RTTY NAS, with the following changes:

1) Power limit is 100 watts.
2) QSY rule is 1 KHz for calling CQ or  responding to a CQ.
3) Multipliers are by band. Same mults as NCJ sprint, but with a few additions  see http://ncccsprint.com/rules.html ) Many thanks to WA7BNM and N7WA for their posting service.  Bruce suggests using the 
usual web form to report scores to the 3830 reflector.

contact Tom N3ZZ.


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