[CQ-Contest] Is QSL Bureau pertinent in today HAM Radio

Jim Preston jpreston1 at cox.net
Wed Mar 28 08:07:57 PDT 2012


For stateside QSL's, LOTW is the way to go. It's much cheaper and easier 
than sending direct. Even if the bureau were opened to stateside QSL's 
(which it probably won't), LOTW would still be the better way to go.


Jim N6VH

On 3/28/2012 5:43 AM, Joe wrote:
> I Voted, and it looks lie i m in the majority also.
> I'd love to see it opened to stateside QSL's also.  he cost of sending
> them now is far more costly than what DX cards cost to send when the
> buro was made.
> As they say the infrastructure is already there.
> Joe WB9SBD
> The Original Rolling Ball Clock
> Idle Tyme
> Idle-Tyme.com
> http://www.idle-tyme.com
> On 3/27/2012 9:39 PM, Yannick (XV4Y) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is bit out of topic but contesters opinion is highly valuable.
>> Following a discussion on DX-World.net about the next Intrepid-DX group QSL policy I started a small poll about QSL in the 21th century in general.
>> Please share your opinion.
>> http://www.qslwatch.com/poll-about-qsl-bureau/
>> Thanks.
>> 73,
>> Yan.
>> ---
>> Yannick DEVOS - XV4Y
>> http://xv4y.radioclub.asia/
>> http://varc.radioclub.asia/
>> http://www.qslwatch.com/
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