[CQ-Contest] RDXC submission errors

Yuri ve3dz at rigexpert.net
Sat Mar 31 06:22:59 PDT 2012

Thank you, Harry!

73  Yuri  VE3DZ

> Guys, we have to appologies for RDXC robot operation.
> Your logs have been received without any problems from the first try
> you sent them but the robot still sending "mistakes".
> You can have a look that your logs are in following this page
> http://www.rdxc.org/asp/pages/logs.asp and entering your call into
> "Please, enter your callsign - Check" window.
> For NN3W you will see that Rich has sent his log that many times with
> first log received on 30.03.2012 at 20:21:
> Station      Entry       Validity     Date
> NN3W         SOAB-MIX    bad   30.03.2012 20:21
> NN3W         SOAB-MIX    bad   31.03.2012 06:00
> NN3W         SOAB-MIX    bad   31.03.2012 06:02
> NN3W         SOAB-MIX    bad   31.03.2012 06:03
> NN3W         SOAB-MIX    bad   31.03.2012 06:10
> For VE3DZ you will see that Yuri has sent his log that many times with
> first log received on 20.03.2012 at 02:50:
> Station      Entry       Validity     Date
> VE3DZ*       SOAB-MIX    bad   20.03.2012 02:50
> VE3DZ*       SOAB-MIX    bad   20.03.2012 02:58
> VE3DZ        SOAB-MIX    valid 20.03.2012 14:16
> 73, Harry RA3AUU

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