[CQ-Contest] Nevada QSO Party reminder

Jack/W6NF vhfplus at gmail.com
Sat May 12 08:15:43 PDT 2012

A reminder that the Nevada QSO Party starts today at 1700 UTC and runs 
until 1700 UTC tomorrow. Rules can be seen at:


W6NF and K7ML will both be active with W6NF starting on 20 CW at 1700 
UTC from Lyon County (LYO) then operating mobile from Churchill County 
(CHU) after 2100 UTC today. K7MKL/M will be operating SSB, with the 
possibility of some RTTY, from the Lyon/Mineral County line (LYO/MIN) 
starting at about 0230 UTC on 20 and shifting to 40 when propagation 
demands. After K7MKL's mobile operation W6NF will be back on from Lyon 
County intermittently for the remainder of the QSO Party.

CW frequencies will be xx.035 on all bands, SSB will be 3.815, 7.180, 
14.215 and 21.315. RTTY will be xx.080 on all bands. All frequencies +/- 
QRM, as usual.

We hope to work many of you during the Nevada QSO Party.


Jack, W6NF
Shelley, K7MKL
Silver Springs, NV

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