[CQ-Contest] News #11 - WRTC2014 Competition Rules Released for Review

HJS ik1hjs at email.it
Sat May 19 09:33:49 PDT 2012

I agree with you Luc.,  Wouldn't  it be coherent to raise  Wrtc2014 M/2 
category weighting factor to 1 (instead of 0.8) allowing everybody to 
train themselves in that category without losing points  ?
73 de Carlo IK1HJS

Il 18/05/2012 21.11, Luc Moreira ha scritto:
> Randy,
> Last WRTC, I learned from the selection criteria how to pave my road to TL.
> I'm full committed with PW7T team, so I could use my M/2 efforts to compose
> my selection final score and chose some specific events to do Single-Op.
> Then, new selection criteria for WRTC2014 says M/2 worth less points than
> M/S. Since WRTC operation would be similar to M/S style, just one signal on
> the air, that makes sense.
> New rules pop up and WRTC2014 will be a pure M/2 style event, but selection
> criteria penalize M/2 efforts. That's not making sense anymore.
> I know, that is my case only and that is not bothering me. But would be
> great If selection criteria mimics WRTC operation style.
> 73, Luc
> __
> PW7T Team member
> WRTC.2006 Brazilian Referee
> WRTC.2010 Brazilian Team Leader
> PY8AZT (also PT7AG, R37U, ZY7C, PX8C, ZZ8Z)
> LABRE, ARRL, CWJF&  Fortaleza DX Group Member
> 2012/5/18 Randy Thompson K5ZD<k5zd at charter.net>
>> (http://www.wrtc2014.org/wrtc2014-competition-rules-released-for-review/)
>> Windham,NH
>> May 18, 2012
>> WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship
>> competition announced that a draft of the competition rules has been made
>> available for review. These are the rules that will be followed by the
>> onsite competitors. There will be a 30 day open review period.
>> The new rules can be viewed at http://www.wrtc2014.org/contest/wrtc-rules/
>> .
>> Comments, suggestions, and corrections are welcome during the comment
>> period
>> and should be sent by email to rules at wrtc2014.org. The comment period will
>> close on June 18, 2012. The final rules will be released before July 1,
>> 2012.
>> Andy Blank, N2NT, Director of the WRTC2014 Rules Committee said, "With
>> competitors from around the world and different interpretations of the
>> English text, we felt it was important that everyone get a chance to review
>> the rules and provide comment before the final version is released. We look
>> forward to feedback from the contest community."
>> The rules are very similar to those used at WRTC 2010 in Russia. The most
>> significant change is in rule 16.2.4 that allows both radios to transmit at
>> any time.
>> About WRTC2014
>> The World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) is held every four years and
>> consists of approximately 50 two-person teams of amateur radio operators
>> from around the world competing in a test of operating skill. Unlike most
>> on-the-air competitions, all stations are required to use identical
>> antennas
>> from the same geographic region, eliminating all variables except operating
>> ability. Previous WRTCs have been held in Seattle(1990), San
>> Francisco(1996), Slovenia(2000), Finland(2002), Brazil(2006), and
>> Russia(2010). More information is available at www.wrtc2014.org or contact
>> WRTC Chairman, Doug Grant, K1DG, via e-mail at k1dg at wrtc2014.org.
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