[CQ-Contest] Two questions about CQ WW SSB contest logging

Radio Station K0HB kzerohb at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 21:37:49 EDT 2012

I thought the idea of a contest was to demonstrate our ability to correctly copy an exchange.

Are we to enter what was "actually" sent, or what we suspect "should have been" sent?


de Hans, K0HB

On Nov 1, 2012, at 20:26, "Randy Thompson K5ZD" <k5zd at charter.net> wrote:

> CQWW is unusual in that the zone of the other station is often known just
> from their call sign.  Since zones are multipliers, it is traditional that
> you would want to enter the correct zone number in your log rather than a
> serial number.
> Since the log checking is expecting to find a zone number in the log, it
> would be highly recommended that you provide one.
> Randy, K5ZD
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
>> N2TK, Tony
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 5:56 PM
>> To: k5zd at charter.net; 'CQ-Contest Reflector'
>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Two questions about CQ WW SSB contest logging
>> We logged what the other station sent us. Some insisted on giving out
>> serial numbers and that is what we entered. I wonder how the contest
>> committee will handle those situations?
>> 73,
>> N2TK/NP2, Tony
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
>> Randy Thompson K5ZD
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:20 PM
>> To: 'Hank Greeb'; 'CQ-Contest Reflector'
>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Two questions about CQ WW SSB contest logging
>> Let's not get carried away here.
>> The CQWW rules state:
>> "III.13. Post-contest correcting of call signs by using any database,
>> recordings or confirming QSO's is not allowed (Rule XII.2 always
>> applies)."
>> I.e., don't correct calls after the contest.
>> I paraphrased this during the webinar to:
>> - Put your log in Cabrillo format
>> - Send it in
>> We want your log in the proper format.  It makes our job easier and it
>> helps you keep all of the points that you earned.  Helping a new
>> contester get their log submitted earns you some extra karma points.
>> Remember.  This is supposed to be fun.
>> Randy, K5ZD
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf
>>> Of Hank Greeb
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 2:55 AM
>>> To: CQ-Contest Reflector
>>> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Two questions about CQ WW SSB contest logging
>>> I admit to making an "after contest" adjustment of my cabrillo file
>>> for the recent CQ WW SSB contest.  I wasn't quite "with it" when I
>>> started the contest, and gave one fellow a "Zone 5" instead of my
>> "real"
>> Zone 4.
>>> I tried to edit the contact to put zone 5 in the contact line, but
>>> didn't see any "CQ Zone" in the "Edit Contact" box.  Since I couldn't
>>> change the CQ Zone during the contest, I entered "sent zone 5 instead
>>> of zone 4" in the comment field, and after the fact I changed the one
>>> log line in my cabrillo file to Zone 5.
>>> I now think (but am not sure) that the zone COULD have been changed
>>> for this one contact by entering "5" in the "exchange" box, but it
>>> wasn't obvious during the heat of the contest.  And, I'll never
>>> understand why the "comment" field is in the "Edit contact" pane, but
>>> to retrieve the data one must go to VIEW>NOTES (NOT VIEW>COMMENTS).
>>> This resulted in a big puzzle, and a note to my two "Elmers" for N1MM
>>> software, who pointed out that "Comments" were labeled "Notes" under
>>> the
>> VIEW tab.
>>> Should my "after the fact editing" of this one line in the log result
>>> in disqualification of my entry, and should an orange or red card be
>> issued?
>>> The rules specifically say I should not massage the log after the fact.
>>> My reasoning was that I had the data in the comment or note Field in
>>> the N1MM "raw" log, couldn't figure out how to edit it "on the fly,"
>>> and I didn't want to penalize the other station for a busted QSO
>>> because of my error.
>>> ====================
>>> The other question involves a newbie who entered the contest using a
>>> "non contest" logging programme.  It supposedly made a cabrillo file,
>>> but the result did NOT have his zone, nor did it have the received
>>> signal
>> report.
>>> We managed to "massage" this log with Notepad edit feature, so that it
>>> conformed with the cabrillo specs provided by CQWW.
>>> Yes, again, the rules say one should NOT edit the file after the
>> contest.
>>> The choice was either NOT submit a log, or do this rather massive
>>> editing by putting the local zone and the received signal report into
>>> the cabrillo file.  We didn't make any "corrections" just added data
>>> which was in the original log but did NOT show up when the programme
>>> made a "so called" cabrillo file.  I figure that he might be
>>> encouraged to see his call amongst the other folks in the CQ Writeup,
>>> and we might have another contester amongst this seemingly dying breed
>>> of US Hams.  I also encouraged him to try his logging software to make
>>> sure it will do the correct cabrillo file prior to entering another
>> context.
>>> Comments will be appreciated.
>>> 72/73 de n8xx Hg
>>> QRP >99.44% of the time
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