[CQ-Contest] ARRL and contesting/ other leadership

Radio Station K0HB kzerohb at gmail.com
Mon Nov 5 10:35:37 EST 2012

ARRL is only one of dozens national radio clubs.....

.......why "not from JARL"..... DARC..... RSGB..... RAC..... RAST....?


de Hans, K0HB
"Just a boy and his radio"

On Nov 5, 2012, at 0:11, Charles Harpole <hs0zcw at gmail.com> wrote:

> I know that ARRL bashing is an indoor sport when hams get together, and
> maybe we ask too much, but at risk of being banned from yet another
> reflector for saying what the "inner circle" of hamdom does not want
> said... here goes...
> A qrz.com function.... not from ARRL.
> A club log like function.... not from ARRL.
> Move to make contesting more fair (like CQ)... not from ARRL.
> Confront in QST contest "cheating" to get dialog going on needed topic....
> not from ARRL.
> DXpedition clearinghouse to track and coordinate trips... not from ARRL.
> A DXpeditioning Foundation.... not from ARRL.
> Do not certify for DXCC genuinely dangerous DXpeditions (like NASCAR)...
> not from ARRL.
> Solve dual condx of KL7 and KH6..... not from ARRL (separation by distance
> does not confir statehood nor reverse confir entity).
> Attract tweens on basis of needs for joining and for individuality and for
> secret codes.... not from ARRL.
> Introduce "shadowing" as technique for emergency communication
> assistance.... not from ARRL.
> Help ham radio in developing nations via training, think
> internationally...... not from ARRL.
> Have collection point for donated radios held to be donated to approved
> applicants world wide...... not from ARRL.
> My short list.  73,
> -- 
> Charly, HS0ZCW
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