[CQ-Contest] VE7FO's Contest Newbies Waiting to Wreak Havoc in WAE RTTY

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Thu Nov 8 05:12:03 EST 2012

We're trying to do one contest a month.  Our choice for this one is WAE.

We won't be doing QTCs.  I'll have a function key programmed to say Sri 
QRU to any QTC?  QTC's are challenging, which adds to the fun for the 
more experienced but would overwhelm most of our newbies.

Just one station this time with one op position, 100W, Steppir vertical 
20-10m, low dipole on 40.  No 80m antenna.

We'll be signing VA7XB.

73, Jim	VE7FO

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