[CQ-Contest] Feeding an 80m Delta Loop

Cqtestk4xs at aol.com Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Sat Nov 10 21:06:51 EST 2012

I've used delta loops apexed at the top and not at the top.  Those who  
have not been happy probably had them low to the ground.  Mine have been at  
their lowest point about a minimum of 40 feet above the ground and absolutely  
kicked butt.
Used them to set a new Pacific record in 2007 on 75 from KH6.
In a message dated 11/10/2012 9:24:17 P.M. Coordinated Universal Tim,  
n2mm at comcast.net writes:

A couple  of comments suggested that a delta loop is a major disappointment 
as compared  to other antennas.

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