[CQ-Contest] Operated Long in SS

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Mon Nov 26 14:36:46 EST 2012

I am unclear what the SS rules state but it has been accepted in other 
contests/circles that if the QSO started before the end of the contest 
you could complete it.

Personally I believe that the contest is over at 0000 or 0300.  If you 
are not finished too bad.

Mike W0MU

On 11/21/2012 7:40 AM, Steve London wrote:
> Let the log checker handle it. He will stop scoring QSO's after 1440 
> minutes (24 hours) of operating time. You will see this later in the 
> Log Checking Report (LCR).
> 73,
> Steve, N2IC
> On 11/20/2012 07:15 PM, Dan Violette wrote:
>> We went 3 minutes long in SS SSB.  The last QSO took 3 minutes so 
>> figuring will lose that one.  I figured I would mark QSO as 0 points, 
>> but see Cabrillo does not have points (last I did serious logs was 
>> with TR or CT format...BC (before Cabrillo)).
>> Do I let the ARRL computer strip the last QSO since I do not want to 
>> remove it which would penalize the contact?  I do not want to submit 
>> with extra long log if we are penalized.
>> Thanks, Dan KI6X
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