[CQ-Contest] text of latest contest exchanges
Gerry Hull
gerry at yccc.org
Tue Nov 27 16:07:38 EST 2012
IMHO, many of the non-signers are not at the top of this game. If you are
spotted wrong, the lack of sending a callsign
will lead to many NILs or Dupes in logs... that does not help with a
winning score, though It may make you feel good because you
are having a great "run".
I was impressed this weekend when I dumped our call into very, very large
pileups. I waited until the din died down, and
the station I called sent my call and the exchange. The whole process was
very quick.
Achieving high rates requires a symbiotic relationship -- both the CQing
station and the pileup must cooperate and be
efficient. To do that, sending a callsign is very important. Also, *Running
is Marketing*. If I S&P or click a packet spot and
all I hear is a guy sending dit for Roger, with no callsign, I'm thinking
that's a time sink and avoid the station. If I hear
a station running at 40+ wpm and is working one station after another in
quick fashion, sending his call, I'm there, dumping my call. I know it
will be a quick in and out.
Shortcuts in CW are silly -- especially the ET type. Do the analysis on
the time saved vs confusion and it becomes irrelevant.
I had many 100+ and some near 200 hours this contest. When rates were
high, my speed varied from 40-45 wpm.
If I had a lot of stations in the stack, I'd simply send TU after an
exchange. If nobody was in queue (having heard me already),
I send TU <mycall>, When times are slow, I send TU <mycall> all the time.
I this this NEVER hampers my rate, but effectively
communicates who I am.
The only way to have people change their ways is to emulate good behavior.
Everyone knows the offenders -- either personally
or over the air. Let them know your feelings.
73, Gerry W1VE (@ K2LE in WW CW)
On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Charles Harpole <hs0zcw at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is the text of all that needs to go over the air in today's
> contesting............
> You Hear... "Test" at 50 wpm.
> You Send... K1xxx, your call sign once.
> You Hear... "K1xxx, tu."
> You Send.... tu
> You Hear... "Test" at 50 wpm.
> and so on.......................
> In this case, the Running station on 14.035.148 calling "Test" is known
> because, when he signed onto that freq. he gave his call over the air once,
> the Skimmer and spots picked it up, and others can see the call sign on
> screen. Because contest programs give the zone automatically, there is no
> need to send that over the air, and no need to send the Runner's call nor
> exchange. Of course, in my example, YOUR "tu" will occur at the same time
> as the Runner sends "Test" again over you, in order to get on with the
> show. ENN (formerly called 599) need not be sent ever, of course.
> Soon a refined Skimmer will deliver serial numbers, names, and any other
> info exchanges for various other contests, too. No need to copy over the
> air.
> Also, there should be, soon, a Skimmer that copies CALLING S&Pers' call
> signs and info, so that cuts out that step in my example too. Repeats on
> other bands provide that info today, and "super check partial" fills in
> callers, too.
> Is today's situation really fun? Is winning a little too important? Oh,
> well..........................
> --
> Charly, HS0ZCW
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