[CQ-Contest] 2nd Annual Ten-Meter RTTY Contest

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Wed Nov 28 01:19:35 EST 2012

This coming Sunday (UTC) is the second annual Ten-Meter RTTY Contest!  It
will be a lot of fun that you won't want to miss.  It is also a great
warm-up for the ARRL 10-Meter Contest the following weekend and the ARRL
RTTY Round-Up in early January.  Last year's inaugural event received nearly
700 logs with nearly 2500 unique callsigns.  Congratulations to the plaque
and wine award winners!

See www.rttycontesting.com/tenmeterrttycontest.html for the rules and last
years results.  In a nutshell the contest uses the ARRL RTTY Round-Up rules,

		- 10 meters only
		- Low Power only, 100 watts maximum (High Power classified
as Checklog)
		- 24 hours total time, no required breaks (2 December UTC)
		- Packet assistance allowed for Single Op

If your logging software doesn't directly support the Ten-Meter RTTY
Contest, just use the ARRL RTTY Round-Up choice.  No formal practice is
scheduled beforehand because the TARA Melee is held the day before on 1
December and can be used to prepare for this contest.

We look forward to working you on Sunday!

Don AA5AU & Ed W0YK

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