[CQ-Contest] Skimmer bashing
ko7ss at yahoo.com
ko7ss at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 29 11:49:43 EST 2012
Some of the CQWWCW 3830 posts and a few individuals on this forum certainly are forthcoming with their
opinions about Skimmers and the contesters that admit to using them (by entering the assisted class). Well, it's
a free country, so keep posting!
This was my first CQWWCW assisted, and the sparkle is back in my eye, the flame is back on! I feel like the
first time I used a computer logging program, NA loaded up on DOS on my super fast 386 16 mhz machine.
This changes everything!
It now takes a 1M point score to get into the top 100 for SOABHP (A), any increase in activity is good. Those
ops in W1-2-3-4 that don't want distance based scoring can't possibly know how boring a DX contest can be
out west. Just look at how few W6/W7 logs with over 25 hours of activity have been reported on 3830. Not
everyone can live on a mountain top or have 2+ towers and stacks just to play the game to win. Again, if it
attracts more contestants, and generates more QSO's, it must be good for ALL of us.
73 Bill KO7AA in Tucson, AZ
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