[CQ-Contest] Skimmer Bashing - Now Distance Based Scoring

RT Clay rt_clay at bellsouth.net
Thu Nov 29 15:05:31 EST 2012

> Distance based scoring, in my opinion, is not going to
> change propagation
> and have EU runs magically occurring in Arizona if they are
> not there now.
> So how the scoring method changes the boredom is not clear
> to me.
> Attracting more contestants in W6/W7 in the CQ WW or ARRL DX
> contests
> doesn't necessarily do anything good for the W1/2/3/4
> contester.
> How can we make the ARRL SS more fun for the W1/2/3
> contester?  Its terribly
> boring to have such slow rates in New England knowing you
> have no chance of
> even making the top 10 in SS even with 2 towers and stacks.
> I believe the answer is enjoy and improve what you can and
> not fret about
> what you can't.  I can't win NAQP or SS but I am not
> trying to change the
> experience for those that can.

Not quite: the east coast certainly can (and does) win the NAQP during August. In general, summer favors eastern stations, and winter western stations for North American domestic contests. There is no similar propagation equalization you could do for DX contests besides something like distance-based scoring.


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