[CQ-Contest] 2012 CWopsT - 0300Z Nov 29 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 30Nov2012

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Fri Nov 30 10:07:24 EST 2012

2012 CWopsT - 0300Z Nov 29 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 30Nov2012

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Dec 1, 2012
E-mail logs to: (none)
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op HP
N6RO                78    50     1      3,900 NCCC
W6SX                77    49     1      3,773 NCCC
K6RB                70    46     1      3,220 
W4NZ                63    41     1      2,583 TCG
W0UCE               54    38     1      2,052 PVRC
K1GU                52    38   0.9      1,976 TCG
VE3KI               51    35     1      1,785 CCO
N4ZZ                26    23 00:21        598 TCG
NN6T                23    16   .75        368 CWOPS
F6HKA               21    16              336 

F5IN                13    13 15 mn        169 
K6DGW               13    11   0.6        143 NCCC

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op LP
N5AW                67    47     1      3,149 CTDXCC
W4OC                61    42   1.0      2,562 SECC
NW2K                53    33     1      1,749 NCC
N5RR                41    34     1      1,394 Gaither Mountain CC
W4IX                35    24   1.0        840 SECC
N0TA                33    22   0.6        726 
K4ORD               33    21     1        693 PVRC
KR7C                28    23              644 Grand Mesa
N4HAI               19    17              323 
KW7Q                17    17              289 

W4TTM               19    14     1        266 
WB9G                17    14    .6        238 
WA2TVU              12    12  0300        144 
KA0IQT              11    11   1.0        121 
UR5MM                9     9               81 Ukrainian Contest Cl
AC2FA                6     5               30 Western NY DX Associ
N1DN                 4     3     1         12 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op QRP
W1UU                28    17     1        476 
W9CC                 4     4               16 


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