[CQ-Contest] [RTTY] Ten-Meter RTTY Contest

Larry Gauthier (K8UT) k8ut at k8ut.com
Fri Nov 30 20:03:58 EST 2012

For those using N1MM Logger for this contest, a TEN-RTTY.mc Function Key 
File has been uploaded to the website's >File >Sample Function Key 

Download FK file here: 

Contest name: ARRLRTTY (RTTY Roundup definition)
Exchange: US & Canada  - <state/province abbreviation>   others: 001 (serial 

-larry (K8UT)
-----Original Message----- 
From: Hank Garretson
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 12:42 PM
To: RTTY Reflector ; NCCC Reflector ; N1MMLogger-Digital at yahoogroups.com ; 
CQ Contest
Subject: [RTTY] Ten-Meter RTTY Contest

The running of the Ten-Meter RTTY Contest is this weekend.


The inaugural event last year was a blast. This year promises to be even
more fun.

Please note that you can use your contest logger ARRL RTTY Roundup module.
It will score correctly. You can leave ARRL-RTTY in your Cabrillo
header--the robot will automatically change it to TEN-RTTY. Couldn't be

See you all Sunday (zulu).

W6SX Prime Directive: The first rule of contesting is to have fun.

Contest Exuberantly,

Hank, W6SX

Mammoth Lakes, California

Elevation 8083 feet in John Muir's Range of Light
RTTY mailing list
RTTY at contesting.com

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