[CQ-Contest] Apple Trackpad RFI

Katsuhiro Kondou kondou at voyackey.net
Wed Oct 10 17:37:55 EDT 2012


In article <34007FCA-A2A8-46E8-851A-05D5D8C1C170 at gmail.com>,
	Glenn Biggerstaff <ww4b73 at gmail.com> wrote,
	on "Wed, 10 Oct 2012 11:31:16 -0400";

} Does anyone have any experience  with the new wireless apple track pads for mac in an rf environment .
} I am thinking about one and wondered if anyone had tried it yet in the hamshack .

I always use apple trackpad without any problem for single operator contests.
Also there is no problem with apple wireless keyboard.
Katsuhiro "Don" Kondou, JH5GHM
Tokyo, JAPAN

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