[CQ-Contest] Topband: Stew Perry Warmup this weekend

Jorge Diez CX6VM cx6vm.jorge at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 18:50:33 EDT 2012

Is there any grid square list file to use with N1MM?

Enviado desde mi BlackBerry® device de Antel

-----Original Message-----
From: Tree <tree at kkn.net>
Sender: "Topband" <topband-bounces at contesting.com>Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 08:03:10 
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>; 160<topband at contesting.com>
Subject: Topband: Stew Perry Warmup this weekend

The Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge warm-up is coming tomorrow.

Full rules and results are available at our new web page


Hope to hear you on 160 meters tomorrow.

73 Tree N6TR
Remember the PreStew coming on October 20th.  http://www.kkn.net/stew for more info.

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