[CQ-Contest] New JARTS DX RTTY Log Analyzer 2.0.0 available

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Mon Oct 22 18:45:40 EDT 2012

I have created a new *JARTS DX RTTY* Log Analyzer you can download from 

When you arrive at this website, right-click the filename and download a 
copy to your hard drive and run the Excel workbook locally. There are 
other Log Analyzers available at this same location, identifiable by 
their title.

You must be using Excel 2003 or newer for the "Import Log" buttons on 
the Reports worksheet to function properly. The work-around if you have 
an older version is to copy/paste all QSO: lines from your Cabrillo file 
into either the Log1 or Log2 worksheet. Then run the Excel "Text to 
Columns" function with "Space" selected as the delimiter. (The click 
buttons automate this process.)

As always, feedback is welcomed. As you know the JARTS contest uses 
"Age" as one of the exchange elements. I have included graphs that show 
the distribution of this information.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN


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