[CQ-Contest] Hurricane Sandy alert

Randy Thompson K5ZD k5zd at charter.net
Fri Oct 26 13:37:41 EDT 2012

ATTENTION participants in this weekend's CQ World Wide DX Contest: 


Hurricane Sandy continues to pose a significant threat to the east coast of
the U.S. from now through Tuesday. 


The Hurricane Watch Net will be active on 14.325 MHz throughout the contest
weekend as Hurricane Sandy moves up the U.S. east coast. Please avoid the
14.320-14.330 MHz window if there is any chance that you have propagation to
the eastern U.S. and remember that emergency traffic on any frequency always
has top priority. Your cooperation in preventing interference to
hurricane-related communications will be appreciated.


Tracking information:




Randy Thompson, K5ZD
Director - CQ WW DX Contest 

email: k5zd at cqww.com
web:  <http://www.cqww.com/> www.cqww.com

Facebook:  <http://www.facebook.com/cqwwdx> www.facebook.com/cqwwdx   



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