Marijan Miletic, S56A s56a at bit.si
Sat Sep 1 07:41:43 EDT 2012

N6TJ wrote: If we're not employing the latest technology, we're dinosaurs.
People do little to promote what made DXing and contesting great in the
first place: OPERATOR SKILLS.


Jim described learning process in afluent CA from Hawaii.  When I started 50
years ago, I had to teach myself Morse first, make double triode VHF xcvr
with carbon mike for my first 2 m AM QSO with YU1EXY, later electronic keyer
with the same ECC-81 tube, learn enough RF electronics to build HF RX with
tubes while others did TX using WW-II parts.  I learnt transistors for
better keyers and later digital integrated circuits.  We had sole 19,6 MHz
quarz for 15 m xvtr to SW band.  


There was small group of priviledged people working for government having
access to modern Western technology.  They mainly worked on Alu with a lot
of spare time for post-operating statistics.  Our club eventually bought
Heathkit kit and later Yaesu FT-101 but we built QRO with 3 x 813 ourselves.
My first radio was Atlas-210, later IC-735 for 20 years and SB-220.  I am
using TH6 tribander and wires from city location.


My 1972 keyer had dual callsign memory for YU1BCD and my own YU1PCF and QSO
serial counter up to 1999.  I had enough of decade of dupe sheets and
timekeeping and turned my attention to programming learning Pascal.  First
online operation was in CQ WW SSB 1984 with homemade 16-bit DEC compatible
microcomputer.  DSP technology became available in 1990's and my CW robot
operation occurred in ARRL DX 1991.  Lot of RTTY also.


I enjoyed 5 Sun cycles so far including 4 WRTC, NH7 & K1B DX-ped, 3V8BB
contesting.  CR3L planned for the last CQ WW RTTY weekend.  I gladly
accepted DX Cluster, N1MM Logger, CW Skimmer, propagation simulators and
other PC tools.  I am having fun improving my skills with new internet
technology instead of staying "blind" just with VFO knob.  I play with RIT
instead J


73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU relaxing from Russian RTTY, All Asian SSB and IARU
R1 Field Day later



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