[CQ-Contest] NS Ladder - Good for NAS CW Sprint Practice.

Bill Haddon haddon.bill at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 17:25:09 EDT 2012

The NS Ladder, tonight 1930-2000 Pacific time is an excellent practice for
this weekend's NA CW Sprint.

 -- OK to use the standard NAS CW software. . . .

               -- Exchange is the same (Nr. Name State)
               -- However NAS module won't compute the correct score
because NS uses band-mults and includes 15 and 160m.
                    [you can compute the score by hand or use the handy
N4AF tool --

  NS Score Calculator (current version 1.24), is a Windows applet for
calculating your NS score from your Cabrillo log.  You can download it from
here: http://n4af.blountscreek.org/files/ns124.exe

See earlier msg from Matt NQ6N for details or ncccsprint.com
Report scores on form at http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

73 Bill n6zfo
NCCC Thursday Night Contesting

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