[CQ-Contest] Shack Table Height

Hal Kennedy halken at comcast.net
Fri Sep 21 13:44:44 EDT 2012

Operated on a 29 1/2 inch table for many years and always felt it was a
little low.  Added a sheet of 3/4 finished plywood on top to get a bigger
top out of the same table base, and at about 30 1/4 inches it feels a lot
better.  I've always thought 30 inches was about right.  The edges are very
important.  Lean your forearms on sharp edges for 24 hours and you will be
most unhappy.  The depth of the gear from the front matters too.  If you
have to "reach in" very far to get to knobs it becomes tiring....

Hal N4GG/4

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