[CQ-Contest] How many hours do SOAB entrants actually operate?

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Wed Apr 3 12:47:26 EDT 2013

The premise was if there was a 24 hour category would more people 
attempt to operate the entire 24 hours instead of 10, 12, 20, etc.  I 
don't think we will ever know until it tried or really tracked.  It had 
nothing to do with competition.

If K5ZD, K1AR, N2IC, big gun,  et al, decides to operate the 24 hour 
class they are most likely going to win there too or whatever category 
they choose.  This discussion has nothing to do with trying to avoid 
competition and everything to do with getting the guy that operates less 
than the max to encourage him to operate more.  To get the guy that 
operates 16 hours to  operate 24. Wouldn't this be good for all?  I 
think so.

SS is a 30 hour contest where you can operate 24 of the 30 hours. Has 
anyone done a breakdown based on operating time?

Who knows maybe being able to pick your 24 hours out of 48 might give 
the West Coasts guys a chance?  I doubt it as you need to run Europe to 
win but you never know.

Mike W0MU

On 4/3/2013 8:26 AM, Yuri wrote:
>> Just how many catagories do we want? There are too many now.  Lets 
>> make it a Low Band /High band entry-- 160,80,40, (Lowband)....then 
>> let's make that assisted, non assisted, then lets make that LP/HP, 
>> then lets make that rookie or non rookie, now do they use a beverage 
>> or not?.... Non Beverage or no beverage,,,JUST how many catagories 
>> does one need?
>> Joe, w6vnr
> Fully agree with Joe.
> Most posts here start with "I..." or "Me personally..."
> Too bad if you can't do it full-time, or you can't have a beam and/or 
> amp or you can't travel to the Caribbean.
> Or if you have too demanding wife or grumpy neighbors...
> High Power, Low Power, full time, part time, beam or wire - who cares?
> Funny - people who do not want REAL COMPETITION ("we all just do it 
> for fun, don't we") - those very same people demand more categories.
> Make it just Single Op or Multi Op.
> That's it.
> Yuri, VE3DZ
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