[CQ-Contest] Remote contest operation

M. WIJK pa5mw at home.nl
Mon Apr 15 07:13:39 EDT 2013

Op 04/15/13, Jukka Klemola  <jpklemola at gmail.com> schreef:
> I checked and added arctic grade lubrication to a rotator.
> DC wirings only.
> I strongly claim that was a ham radio activity.
> I had to shovel the snow away to access that motor and gear.
> As I see my activity, it was about ham radio.
I'm sure the next X-box/Wii- HAM Radio game version-upgrade will have a "virtual remote servicing option" , including your arctic grade lube :)

If you enter the game of contesting, please do the effort and leave out the questionable shortcut.
Or, choose a lesser more viable contest goal/other category, when operating from home.
You can have just as much fun.
If you neeeed the #10 entry, be prepared to walk the miles.

73 Mark, PA5MW

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