[CQ-Contest] Remote Contest Operation

Gerry Hull gerry at yccc.org
Tue Apr 16 14:28:02 EDT 2013

But you do have answers, Wayne!

Your answer is to put remote operation in a different category.    That's
no answer.

Let's say you live in a beautiful house where there are antenna covenants.
  You have the resources to build a super station.
So, you buy some farmland out in the country, and put up a 5-tower,
11-antenna super station.   Why should you be restricted to contesting
in your own category because you remoted your station?  You've actually
done MORE work to set that up.

73, Gerry W1VE

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Wayne Kline <w3ea at hotmail.com> wrote:

>  So many good points remind me of the Point  Counterpoint senero on TV I
> have no answers  I all know it techknoligy is moving at light speed and
> that addaptation  in amature radio is taking  place befor our eys.  I have
> no isse with  that in general, but were talking about it's implatation in
> "Contesting"  Each governing body  each contest sponsor will dictate
>  what's ok.  So a good OPEN discussion imo is a productive exercise.  The
> remote operation is a new can of worms to deal with. Heck  I spent 1,000 of
> hours building a 5 tower  11  antenna and all that go's with it, so my
> opinion my be skewed.       eligible ? Illegal ? in the spirit of ham radio
> ?   I say go for the gold.... but if in a completive environment the field
> must be divided  with a place for the that class of opperation  ROFPH  (
> Remote operation from penthouse ) ?  Or  ROMM ( remote operation maritime
> mobil )  While in hot tub.  Bottom line IMHO as the rules now stand ,   all
> radio equipment must be connecte
>  d  and at the  same location , and classifiy the remote opperation for
> what it is.  REMOTE  Wayne, W3EA  Going out and disconnect my  Receiving
> array as Lightning is forecast this after noon.  nothing remote here !
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