[CQ-Contest] Antw: Re: Antw: Re: Remote contest operation

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Tue Apr 16 16:07:05 EDT 2013

It is a real shame that we seem to have a "Ruling Class" in ham radio 
too where only the self proclaimed rulers opinions matter.

I guess the continued threads filled with shortsightedness and me me me 
is just a reflection of the world we live in.

I am just short of 50 years of age and have been licensed since I was 12 
or 13.  The state of curmudgeon-ness in this hobby is disgusting.

This hobby is about change, advancing the communications spectrum and 
remote operation is at the leading edge.  We gave up spark gap, AM (for 
the most part)  DSB and many other forms of communication and we are 
doing just fine.  I guess all those new data modes are not really ham 
contacts either because some computer is pulling out tiny pieces of 
signals from pure noise, right.  These modes and programs are truly 
amazing.  They also ticked off the old school EME guys because now 
almost anyone can do EME.  Instead of being happy that they can now work 
more people they are upset.  Why?

Remote radio and contesting is here to stay.  Just like packet, just 
like digital data modes, etc.

The folks putting class remote stations together should be congratulated 
along with those pushing the hobby into new and exciting areas.  It is 
not easy.  There are huge hurdles to overcome.  Thanks for doing it and 
getting on the air!

There are a couple of major trolls on this reflector.  They literally 
add nothing positive to the discussions and bash bash bash.   I 
suggested in an earlier thread to stop feeding these people and they 
will go away.  These guys just get on upsetting people.  Ignore them.

On 4/16/2013 5:37 AM, M. WIJK wrote:
> Op 04/16/13, "C. \"Fred\" Johnson"  <fredwt2p at gmail.com> schreef:
>> Ladies and Gentlement of CQ-Contest:
>> Excuse my anger,
> Better leave that home.
> And my apologies if my expression affects you in any way.
> I have absolutely no reason to undermine your expertise and respectable work.
> I just think differently about the radio game part.
>> I guess the relatively young constesters who came up with this (remote ops); EI5DI, aren't real operators.
> We contest a lot.
>  From May till september we spent experimenting, testing and upgrading our station(s). Be it at home, our remote station(yes we also own one) or at our clubstation.
>  From october till end of may we are active at different stations. As an operator, at times as designer/tester/builder only.
> It doesn't make us a "better or lesser" HAM radio operator, or "man" (please stop using that kind of expression) this is a FUN hobby.
> Yesterday I checked and verified if my expression perhaps was too far off-centered.
> Certainly there is freedom of speech, although you need to relativate ones own opinion somehow. Being outspoken is not always appreciated, we Dutch are way overdoing that too often, I know.
> But I strongly believe it IS important to show another view every now and then.
> The first two HAM ops I talked to (from two different EU countries) told me they strongly agree on my full opinion.
> (let me put that short again: admire remote operating; greatly respect all inventive work, but disagree the remote use during contesting)
> Both hams are active in many contest, either at home or at different clubstations. They participated in 5 contests this year only.
> Yesterday evening I spoke to a ham who is a regular op at one of the most succesfull MM stations in Europe and he stated: operating your remote station via the internet during contests is currently allowed, but it should be put in a different separate category.
>> . But.. apparently doing that makes me less of a "man" in this "hobby":
> Sorry if comments make you feel that way.
> Maybe it is because off centered opinions aren't that much appreciated?
> And yes, sometimes comments are moving the wrong direction.
> No need to debate it to death/ feed it endlessly, points usually are already made.
> I would rather visit and see your great efforts and then discuss my opinion over a beer.
>> Not "man(woman) enough:"
>> -Compete
>> -Build a station
>> -- Overcome said obstacles of building a remote station in a BIG A** CITY
>> -Keep it interesting in the day and age of other things that keep people interested.
> Much appreciate the work done.
> I have seen soo much progress these last few years. In fact the lecture (want the powerpoint?) on remote site operation (RX only) via the internet I gave a few times is waaaayyyyy outdated by now.
> I could not keep up with all things happening and the amount of new info from the internet, so I stopped doing it. Technical progress is a fine thing!
> That also is a big FUN part in our hobby.
>> I applaud the CQWW committee for the Extreme category. It *had* my mind racing of how things can be done given the TOOLS available to us now.
> Yes,that is a very good decision!
>>   Reading your posts makes me think that it's otherwise, that we are always just going to be second class operators. Fine.
> No-way-Jose.
> Please continue to enjoy remote operating.
> Let others opinions' not stop you from having fun.
>> You know what? Keep your "no lids and space cadets" thing going. Soon, the ham bands will die out and you will not have anything (or anyone) left to have "pure RF conversations" on. And I, as a formerly fervent ham radio operator, will cheer the day it happens.
>> 73 and GL,
>> WT2P
> In case anyone does not understand the principle of our shared opinion here on 'No remote operating during contest' please keep asking. Sure there are more who share this opinion who can explain.
> For me there's no reason to continue this when I see this discussion slowly going south.
> Please enjoy your way of contesting, whichever way that may be.
> 73 Mark, PA5MW
> ...-.-
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