[CQ-Contest] Remote Contest Operation

Edward Sawyer SawyerEd at Earthlink.net
Wed Apr 17 15:39:19 EDT 2013

To WT2P:


I am sorry to see someone as upset as you seem.  That being said, I am happy
to see all kinds of innovation and change in ham radio.  There is a
difference between facilitating change and stuffing change down people's
throats.  I applaud CQ WW for creating the Unlimited category.  This
facilitates innovation but respects those who do not want to compete with
those who are.  How can you complain with that?


I personally have no issue with Remote Contesters competing in SO and SOA
categories as long as all TX and RX that is being remotely connected to
abides by the same rules as if they were physically there.  The "control op"
issues are legal issues for the country in which the operation is taking
place.  The rules already state that the contestant has to comply by their
country's rules (country being defined as the licensing authority of the
callsign being used).


Ham Radio generically is a hobbyist endeavor.  Enjoy it to its fullest.
Contesting is a competition with rules and ethical fair play.  If you choose
to join us, please respect that.




Ed  N1UR

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