[CQ-Contest] IARU HF log merging headache

XV4Y (Yan) xv4y at nature-mekong.com
Thu Aug 1 00:01:35 EDT 2013


This is some kind of follow-up to the last discussions about IARU HF we had on the reflector.

As some of you may already know, I was running HQ station for Vietnam during the last IARU HF contest.
However, my dear president XV2A, not a contester and not aware of the rules, asked for XV2HQ callsign and run HQ station too from his home station (the real official club headquarter actually).
He just sent me his "Spreadsheet log" so I can enter the points and mults for him and submit the log...
I have already submitted my own log with XV4Y as HQ station...
Merging the logs, we're going from 200 000 points (me only) to 300 000 points (both stations), so we are not running for winners anyway.
That said, I guess XV2A will be proud to display a certificate on his shack walls as I don't think he participate to many contests in the past.

What should I do :
- Submit XV2HQ as a separate log ? How will be treated the "total" score for both stations ?
- Submit a new log for XV4Y with merged informations (but how will be treated the QSOs made by XV2HQ) ?
- Submit the merged log as XV2HQ and ask the organizers to withdraw XV4Y log ?

In the "merged Cabrillo file I am thinking to put 2 callsigns as station callsign, is this valid ?

I must admit that I read the rules on the ARRL website but saw nothing about how to submit logs in the case you have different callsigns (due to country regulations).
I know that I should write to the contest organizers, but if some of you have good advices...

Thanks by advance.
Yannick DEVOS - XV4Y

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