[CQ-Contest] NAQP CW Freq usage

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 12:48:32 EDT 2013

W7DRA writes:
> i was
> rockbound on 3560 and called CQNA for 15 minutes trying to rise someone
> to no avail. i probably could have been five kcs away from the mash of
> stations and not gotten a contact

You know, us contesters try not to not stray too far out of "recommended
contest frequencies" and leave room for other activities. In case of CW
NAQP that means a few Q's are below 025 but most run from 025 up through
wherever we start hearing non-contest activities. On some bands digital
modes, especially the automated not-human-controlled modes, either form an
"inpenetrable wall" or a "dead zone" where you don't want to CQ.

I just did a little histogram of my 80 M QSO's in NAQP and while I spent a
lot of time at the upper end of  3525-3558 I never did quite get up to
3560. When in S&P I usually try to start high and scan low (in the possibly
obtuse belief that the other guys are working the other direction!)


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